Box Developer Documentation

AI response (Full)

This resource is used by enpoints in the version 2024.0. For more details, see Box API versioning.

AI ask response

This resource has a few variations that can be encountered when using the API.

The fields that are part of the full variant can be returned by API endpoints that support the fields parameter. For example, by defining the fields request parameter as id,type when requesting a file by ID, only those fields will be returned in the API response.

The information on the models and processors used in the request.

The models used for the request


The name of the model used for the request


The provider that owns the model used for the request


The supported purpose utilized by the model used for the request


The processor used for the request

Public APIs are important because of key and important reasons.

The answer provided by the LLM.

object array

The citations of the LLM's answer reference.


The id of the item.


The type of the item.

Value is always file

Public APIs are key drivers of innovation and growth.

The specific content from where the answer was referenced.

The importance of public APIs.pdf

The name of the item.


The reason the response finishes.

string (date-time)

The ISO date formatted timestamp of when the answer to the prompt was created.

Response Example

  "ai_agent_info": {
    "models": [
        "name": "azure__openai__text_embedding_ada_002",
        "provider": "azure",
        "supported_purpose": "embedding"
    "processor": "basic_text"
  "answer": "Public APIs are important because of key and important reasons.",
  "citations": [
      "content": "Public APIs are key drivers of innovation and growth.",
      "id": "123",
      "name": "The importance of public APIs.pdf",
      "type": "file"
  "completion_reason": "done",
  "created_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00"