Box Developer Documentation
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Update all Box Skill cards on file


This endpoint is in the version 2024.0. No changes are required to continue using it. For more details, see Box API versioning.

An alternative method that can be used to overwrite and update all Box Skill metadata cards on a file.



Path Parameters

stringin pathrequired

The ID of the skill to apply this metadata for.

Request Body

objectin body

The file to assign the cards to.

stringin bodyrequired

The ID of the file

stringin bodyrequired


Value is always file

objectin body

The optional file version to assign the cards to.

stringin bodyoptional

The ID of the file version

stringin bodyoptional


Value is always file_version

objectin body

The metadata to set for this skill. This is a list of Box Skills cards. These cards will overwrite any existing Box skill cards on the file.

A list of Box Skill cards to apply to this file.

stringin bodyrequired

Defines the status of this invocation. Set this to success when setting Skill cards.

Value is one of invoked,processing,success,transient_failure,permanent_failure

objectin body

A descriptor that defines what items are affected by this call.

Set this to the default values when setting a card to a success state, and leave it out in most other situations.

stringin bodyoptional


numberin bodyoptional




Returns an empty response when the card has been successfully updated.

application/jsonClient error

Returns an error when the request body is not valid.

  • schema_validation_failed - The request body contains a value for a field that either does not exist, or for which the value or type does not match the expected field type. An example might be an unknown option for an enum or multiSelect field.
application/jsonClient error

Returns an error when the file could not be found or the user does not have access.

  • not_found - The file could not be found, or the user does not have access to the file.
application/jsonClient error

An unexpected client error.

Update all Box Skill cards on file
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Request Example

curl -i -X PUT "" \
     -H "authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
     -H "content-type: application/json" \
     -d '{
       "status": "success",
       "metadata": {
         "cards": [{
            "type": "skill_card",
            "skill_card_type": "keyword",
            "skill_card_title": {
              "code": "license-plates",
              "message": "Licence Plates"
            "skill": {
              "type": "service"
              "id": "license-plates-service"
            "invocation": {
              "type": "skill_invocation"
              "id": "license-plates-service-123"
            "entries": {
              { "text": "DD-26-YT" },
              { "text": "DN86 BOX" }
            "type": "skill_card",
            "skill_card_type": "transcript",
            "skill_card_title": {
              "code": "video-transcription",
              "message": "Video Transcription"
            "skill": {
              "type": "service"
              "id": "video-transcription-service"
            "invocation": {
              "type": "skill_invocation"
              "id": "video-transcription-service-123"
            "duration": 1000,
            "entries": {
                "text": "Hi John, have I told you about Box recently?",
                "appears": [{ "start": 0 }]
                "text": "No Aaron, you have not. Tell me more!",
                "appears": [{ "start": 5 }]
            "type": "skill_card",
            "skill_card_type": "timeline",
            "skill_card_title": {
              "code": "face-detection",
              "message": "Faces"
            "skill": {
              "type": "service"
              "id": "face-detection-service"
            "invocation": {
              "type": "skill_invocation"
              "id": "face-detection-service-123"
            "duration": 1000,
            "entries": {
                "text": "John",
                "appears": [{ "start": 0, "end": 5 }, { "start": 10, "end": 15 }],
                "image_url": ""
                "text": "Aaron",
                "appears": [{ "start": 5, "end": 10 }],
                "image_url": ""
            "type": "skill_card",
            "skill_card_type": "status",
            "skill_card_title": {
              "code": "hold",
              "message": "Please hold..."
            "skill": {
              "type": "service"
              "id": "face-detection-service"
            "invocation": {
              "type": "skill_invocation"
              "id": "face-detection-service-123"
            "status": {
              "code": "processing",
              "message": "We are processing this file right now."
       "file": {
         "id": "12345"
       "usage": {
         "unit": "file",
         "value": 1