Create or Update Shared Link
Create or Update Shared Link
Shared links may be created or directly for file, folder, or web link resources to generate a read-only URL to permit users with the appropriate access level to view the content.
At minimum the information needed to create a shared link will be:
- The type of resource, either a file, folder, or web link.
- The ID of that resource.
Optionally when creating a shared link the following may be specified:
- The access level, which may be one of:
- open: A public shared link. Anyone with the link may access the link.
- company: Anyone within your enterprise may access the link.
- collaborators: Anyone collaborated on the content may access the link.
- An expiration time when the shared link will automatically disable.
- A password required to access the resource.
Create or Update Shared Link for File
To create a shared link on a file, specify the ID of the file with any optional shared link parameters.
Create or Update Shared Link for Folder
To create a shared link on a folder, specify the ID of the folder with any optional shared link parameters.
Create or Update Shared Link for Web Link
To create a shared link on a web link, specify the ID of the web link with any optional shared link parameters.