Box Developer Documentation

Create Comment

Create Comment

To create a comment, call the POST /comments API with the message of the comment, as well as the ID of the file to leave the comment on.

curl -i -X POST "" \
     -H "authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
     -H "content-type: application/json" \
     -d '{
       "message": "Review completed!",
       "item": {
         "type": "file",
         "id": 426436
TypeScript Gen
await client.comments.createComment({
  message: message,
  item: {
    id: fileId,
    type: 'file' as CreateCommentRequestBodyItemTypeField,
  } satisfies CreateCommentRequestBodyItemField,
} satisfies CreateCommentRequestBody);
Python Gen
    message, CreateCommentItem(id=file_id, type=CreateCommentItemTypeField.FILE)
.NET Gen
await client.Comments.CreateCommentAsync(requestBody: new CreateCommentRequestBody(message: message, item: new CreateCommentRequestBodyItemField(id: fileId, type: CreateCommentRequestBodyItemTypeField.File)));
Swift Gen (Beta)
try await client.comments.createComment(requestBody: CreateCommentRequestBody(message: message, item: CreateCommentRequestBodyItemField(id: fileId, type: CreateCommentRequestBodyItemTypeField.file)))
Java Gen (Beta)
client.getComments().createComment(new CreateCommentRequestBody(message, new CreateCommentRequestBodyItemField(fileId, CreateCommentRequestBodyItemTypeField.FILE)))
BoxFile file = new BoxFile(api, "id");
file.addComment("This file is pretty cool.");
comment = client.file(file_id='11111').add_comment('When should I have this done by?')
var requestParams = new BoxCommentRequest()
    Item = new BoxRequestEntity()
        Type = BoxType.File,
        Id = "12345"
    Message = "Great work!"
BoxComment comment = await client.CommentsManager.AddCommentAsync(requestParams);
client.comments.create('33333', 'Is this the latest version?')
    .then(comment => {
        /* comment -> {
            type: 'comment',
            id: '11111',
            is_reply_comment: false,
            message: 'Is this the latest version?',
            { type: 'user',
                id: '22222',
                name: 'Example User',
                login: '' },
            created_at: '2012-12-12T11:25:01-08:00',
            item: { id: '33333', type: 'file' },
            modified_at: '2012-12-12T11:25:01-08:00' }
    itemId: "11111",
    itemType: "file",
    message: "Thanks!"
) { (result: Result<Comment, BoxSDKError>) in
    guard case let .success(comment) = result else {
        print("Error creating comment")

    print("Added comment to \( \"\(comment.message)\"")

A comment's message can also mentions users using the @ sign. To do so, add the string @[userid:name] anywhere within the message. The user_id is the target user's ID, where the name can be any custom phrase. In the Box UI this name will link to the user's profile.

Then, pass this string as the tagged_message instead of the message.